Black Wings Symbolism & Meaning (Protection)

For centuries, black wings have been associated with death and darkness. In many cultures, they are seen as a sign of evil and are often used to represent the dark forces at work in the world.

However, black wings can also symbolize transformation and rebirth. In many religions, they are seen as a sign of divine protection and are often used to represent the guardian angels who watch over us.

Regardless of their meaning, black wings are always associated with power and mystery. They are a reminder that there is more to this world than meets the eye, and that we all have the potential to soar to new heights.

Black Wings Symbolism

Quick Overview: Black Wings Symbolism

  • Evil
  • Danger
  • Mystery
  • Death
  • Night
  • Rebirth
  • Protection

7 Black Wings Symbolisms

1. Evil

Black Wings Symbolism

In many cultures, black wings are seen as a symbol of evil.

This is often because they are associated with death, darkness, and other dark forces. Black wings may also be seen as a sign of danger or bad news. In some cases, they may even be considered a bad omen.

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However, not all cultures see black wings in such a negative light. In some cultures, black wings are actually seen as a sign of strength and power. They may also be seen as a symbol of protection or good luck.

Regardless of the interpretation, black wings continue to be one of the most popular symbols of evil in many cultures around the world.

2. Danger

Black Wings Symbolism

Many people associate black wings with danger, but there is more to this color than meets the eye.

In nature, black is often associated with night, mystery, and power. For example, many predators have black wings in order to help them blend in with the darkness and sneak up on their prey. In the world of mythology, black wings are often seen as a sign of death or destruction.

In ancient Greece, the goddess Nike was often portrayed with black wings, and in medieval Europe, the “Angel of Death” was often described as having black wings.

While these associations can be seen as negative, they also suggest that black wings represent strength, power, and determination.

In many cultures, black is also seen as a symbol of protection and safety. For example, many religious figures are often portrayed with black wings in order to signify their role as guardian angels.

In conclusion, black wings can symbolize both danger and strength, depending on the context in which they are seen.

3. Mystery

Black Wings Symbolism

There are many reasons why black wings might symbolize mystery.

For one, black is often associated with the unknown or the hidden. It can also represent darkness, which is often associated with secrets and hidden knowledge.

Furthermore, black wings can be seen as a representation of death or the undead, which can add an element of fear and mystery to them. In many cultures, birds are also seen as messengers from the spiritual world, so black wings might also represent a connection to the afterlife or the supernatural.

Whatever the reason, black wings continue to be a popular symbol of mystery and intrigue.

4. Death

Black Wings Symbolism

Black wings may symbolize death for a number of reasons.

First, they are often associated with darkness and the night, which can be seen as metaphors for death. Additionally, birds are often seen as messengers between the worlds of the living and the dead, making them natural symbols of death.

In art and literature, black wings are often used to represent the Grim Reaper or other personifications of death.

As such, they serve as a powerful reminder of our own mortality. Whether we see them as ominous omens or simply as objects of beauty, black wings will continue to hold a fascination for us.

5. Night

Black Wings Symbolism

In many cultures, black wings are seen as a symbol of Night – the time when creatures of the night come out to hunt.

For some, this is a time to be feared, as the darkness can hide all sorts of dangers. However, others see the night as a time of opportunity, when they can let their true selves fly free.

No matter how you feel about the night, there’s no denying that black wings are a striking and evocative symbol.

When you see them, they fill you with a sense of awe – and maybe just a little bit of fear. After all, who knows what lurks in the darkness?

6. Rebirth

Black Wings Symbolism

Black wings have long been associated with death and rebirth.

In many cultures, black is the color of mourning, and wings are often seen as symbols of freedom and mobility. When combined, black wings can represent the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

For example, in Ancient Egyptian mythology, the god Horus is often depicted with black wings. Horus was the son of Osiris, who was killed by his brother Set.

However, Horus was resurrected and went on to defeat Set, becoming the king of the gods. As such, he came to symbolize the triumph of life over death.

For many people, black wings represent hope and possibility; they remind us that even in the darkest of times, new life can emerge.

7. Protection

Black Wings Symbolism

Some believe that black wings symbolize protection because they remind us of the protective covering of a mother bird.

Others believe that the color black is associated with strength and power, making it an ideal symbol of protection. Whatever the reason, there is no denying that black wings have long been associated with the concept of protection.

In many cultures, they are seen as a sign of good luck and are often used in ceremonial rituals. For example, in some Native American tribes, black feathers are used in healing ceremonies. Similarly, in many Asian cultures, black wings are thought to ward off evil spirits.

Whether you believe in their protective powers or not, there is no denying that black wings hold a special place in our collective imagination.

Spiritual Meaning of Black Wings

Black Wings Symbolism

For centuries, people have looked to the heavens for signs and symbols of divine guidance. One of the most commonly seen symbols is the black wing.

Often associated with death and loss, the black wing can also represent new beginnings. In many cultures, the black wing is seen as a sign of transformation.

It represents the shedding of the old self and the emergence of the new. In some cases, it can also represent the weight of responsibility that comes with new levels of spiritual growth.

Whatever its specific meaning, the black wing is a powerful symbol of change and growth. Those who see it are reminded to embrace the journey ahead with courage and hope.

Black Wings Dream Meaning and Symbolism

Black Wings Dream Meaning

Black wings dreams are typically associated with death or misfortune. The sight of black wings can be intimidating, and the meaning of the dream can be unnerving.

However, it is important to remember that dreams are not always literal. Just because you dream about black wings does not mean that you are going to die. Instead, it is likely that the dream is symbolic of something else.

Perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed by something in your life, or you are afraid of change. Whatever the case may be, the important thing is to pay attention to your dreams and try to interpret their meaning.

With a little thought and reflection, you may be able to glean some valuable insight into your own life.


The meaning of black wings varies depending on culture and context. In some cases, they are seen as a sign of death or rebirth. In others, they represent protection or strength. Whatever their specific meaning, black wings are a powerful symbol with a rich history. Those who see them are reminded to embrace the journey ahead with courage and hope.

Kristen Stanton

Hi, I am Kristen I have a (BS) (BA) in Psychology, and i understand symbolism and the meanings of all objects. I have always been interested in the hidden meanings behind things, and how to use them to create a better world. As a child, I loved spending time in nature, discovering all the secrets the trees, plants, and objects had to offer. Now an adult, I continues to be fascinated by symbolism and its power to change lives. I am committed to using my knowledge for good, and hopes to help people connect with their own inner power through symbolism.

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