Blindness Symbolism & Meaning (Inner vision)

There are also some who see blindness as a symbol of strength and perseverance.

In many cases, blindness is seen as a negative condition, something to be avoided at all costs. However, no matter how it is viewed, blindness is a powerful force that can shape the course of someone’s life.

For many people, blindness is a metaphor for ignorance or lack of understanding. In this interpretation, blind people are seen as being cut off from the world around them, unable to see the truth or beauty that exists in the world.

This can be a difficult way to live, as it can feel like you are constantly at a disadvantage. However, it is also an excellent example of how strength can come from adversity. Those who are able to overcome their blindness and embrace their own strength can be an inspiration to others.

Blindness can also be interpreted as a symbol of hope. In this view, blind people are seen as being hopeful because they cannot see the obstacles in their way. They have to have faith that they will ultimately find their way even when they cannot see where they are going.

This interpretation can be very empowering for those who face challenges in their lives. It reminds us that we all have the ability to overcome difficulties if we maintain our hope and determination.

Blindness Symbolism & Meaning

Quick Overview Blindness Symbolisms

Inner visionVulnerability
Blindness Symbolisms

10 Blindness Symbolisms

1. Inner vision

Blindness Symbolism & Meaning

Blindness is a symbol of inner vision – the ability to see beyond what is physically present and understand the deeper meanings of things.

This symbolism is based on the belief that blindness can lead to a heightened awareness of other senses, such as touch, taste, smell, and hearing.

Read More: Occult Symbolism

This heightened awareness can then help a person to more easily understand abstract concepts and ideas. In addition, blindness can also be seen as a symbol of spiritual insight or intuition. This is because those who are blind often have to rely on their inner sense of knowing in order to navigate the world around them.

As a result, they can develop a strong connection to their intuition and inner guidance. Therefore, blindness can be seen as a metaphor for the ability to see beyond the physical world and connect with our higher selves.

2. Ignorance

Blindness Symbolism & Meaning

In literature, blindness often symbolizes ignorance.

This is because people who are blind cannot see the physical world around them, and so they can be seen as lacking in understanding of the world.

Additionally, blindness can also be seen as a lack of knowledge or insight, which can make someone seem ignorant. In some cases, blindness is used to represent the idea that someone is not able to see the truth, either because they are willfully ignorant or because they have been deceived.

Ultimately, blindness is often used as a symbol of ignorance because it suggests that someone is not able to perceive or understand the world around them.

3. Unconsciousness

Blindness Symbolism & Meaning

Blindness can represent unconsciousness.

First, blindness can represent a lack of understanding or awareness. For example, someone who is blind to the reality of their situation may be said to be “blinded by their own happiness.” In other words, they are not aware of the difficulties that others are facing.

Additionally, blindness can also suggest a lack of insight or clarity. A person who is “blind to the truth” may be willfully ignorant of what is really going on around them. Finally, blindness can also be seen as a form of cognitive dissonance, where a person refuses to accept information that contradicts their existing beliefs.

In this way, blindness protects people from having to confront difficult truths about themselves or the world around them. Ultimately, blindness is a powerful symbol of the ways in which we avoid looking at what is really happening in our lives.

4. Mystery

Blindness Symbolism & Meaning

Blindness has come to symbolize mystery because it represents both what is hidden from us and what we do not yet understand.

For one, blind people have often been seen as having a special connection to the world beyond our physical reality. This is because they are unable to see the physical world around them, and must rely on their other senses to guide them.

This can make them seem more attuned to things that we cannot see or understand. Additionally, blindness can also be seen as a metaphor for ignorance. When we are blind to something, we are unable to see it clearly and therefore do not fully understand it.

This lack of understanding can make whatever is hidden seem even more mysterious. Finally, blindness can simply be a way of indicating that something is hidden from us. When something is out of our sight, it can feel like it doesn’t exist at all, making it all the more mysterious.

5. Deception

Blindness Symbolism & Meaning

In literature, blindness is often used as a symbol of deception.

By definition, blindness means an inability to see. However, in a figurative sense, blindness can also refer to an inability to see the truth.

This is because people who are blinded by deception are often unwilling or unable to see the real truth. In some cases, this may be because they are deliberately being misled. In other cases, it may be because they have chosen to ignore the evidence in front of them.

Either way, blindness is often used as a symbol for the idea that people can be deceived if they are not careful.

6. Vulnerability

Blindness Symbolism & Meaning

Blindness represents a symbol of vulnerability.

In some ways, this makes sense; someone who is blind cannot see potential threats, and so may be more likely to be hurt. Additionally, blindness can be seen as a metaphor for other types of vulnerability, such as ignorance or inexperience.

However, there are also ways in which blindness can be seen as a strength. For example, blind people often have heightened senses of hearing and touch, which can help them to navigate the world in different ways.

Many blind people have developed strong problem-solving skills, as they have had to find alternative ways to do things that sighted people take for granted. In conclusion, blindness is a complex symbol that can represent both weakness and strength.

7. Fear

Blindness Symbolism & Meaning

There are a number of reasons why blindness symbolizes fear.

For one thing, blindness removes our ability to see what is coming toward us, making us feel vulnerable and exposed. Blindness can cause feelings of disorientation and isolation, as we can no longer rely on our sight to orient ourselves in the world.

Finally, blindness can be a very frightening physical experience, as it can completely remove our ability to interact with the world around us. All of these factors combine to make blindness an extremely potent symbol of fear.

8. Impartially

Blindness Symbolism & Meaning

Blindness is often a symbol of impartiality because people who are blind cannot see physical appearance, so they are less likely to be influenced by factors such as race, gender, or attractiveness.

Instead, they must rely on other cues such as voice, expression, and body language. This makes them more likely to judge people on their character and abilities, rather than on their appearance.

As a result, blindness can be seen as a symbol of fairness and equality. It is also worth noting that blindness can also be seen as a symbol of hope. This is because people who are blind often have to find other ways to navigate the world and interact with others.

This can involve developing new skills and learning to trust other senses. In some ways, this can make people who are blind more resilient and adaptable. As a result, blindness can also be seen as a symbol of hope and possibility.

9. Transcendence

Blindness Symbolism & Meaning

One of the most enduring symbols of transcendence is blindness.

In many religious and spiritual traditions, blindness represents the ability to see beyond the physical world and into the realm of the divine.

For example, in Buddhism, blindness symbolizes the renunciation of worldly desires and the attainment of nirvana. In Christian iconography, blind saints are often depicted as being blessed with a vision of God. And in Hinduism, blindness is seen as a sign of wisdom and purity.

To those who are blind, the physical world is an obstacle to overcome on the path to spiritual enlightenment. For this reason, blindness has long been seen as a powerful symbol of transcendence.

10. Apathy

The symbol of blindness in Apathy can be seen in several ways.

First, when an individual is blind, they are cut off from the world around them. This physical blindness symbolizes the way that individuals who suffer from Apathy are cut off from their emotions and the events happening around them.

They become removed from the world and live in their own little bubble. Secondly, blindness is often associated with darkness. This again symbolizes the lack of emotion and color in an apathetic sufferer’s life. Everything is gray and bleak.

There is no light or hope. Lastly, blindness can also be seen as a form of purity. In some cultures, blindness is seen as a gift from God because it means that the person is pure of heart and soul. This type of blindness represents the way that an apathetic sufferer is numbed to the pain and chaos of the world around them.

They are able to maintain their inner peace despite the storm going on around them. Ultimately, the symbol of blindness in apathy represents the emotional detachment, darkness, and purity that are characteristic of the condition.

Spiritual Meanings of Blindness

Blindness Symbolism & Meaning

In many cultures, blindness is seen as a spiritual condition.

In some Native American traditions, blindness is considered a sign of wisdom and power. In these cultures, blind people are often revered as shamans or healers. In other traditions, blindness is seen as a punishment from the gods.

In the Bible, for instance, the blind man Bartimaeus is healed by Jesus after begging for mercy. In this story, blindness is symbolic of spiritual darkness and ignorance. Bartimaeus represents the average person who is lost in the world and in need of salvation.

By contrast, Jesus represents divine light and understanding. In this story, blindness is not only literal but also metaphorical. It represents the spiritual condition of those who are lost in the world and in need of guidance.

Blindness Dream Meaning and Symbolism

Blindness Symbolism & Meaning

Dreams are often cryptic and some recurrent themes do seem to pop up again and again. One such theme is blindness.

Though there are many different interpretations, blindness generally symbolizes a lack of understanding or awareness. In some cases, it may represent an unwillingness to see the truth. Alternatively, it could be a sign that you are in over your head and facing a situation that is beyond your control.

Whether the cause is physical or psychological, blindness is often a sign that you are feeling lost and vulnerable.

Dreams often offer a chance to confront these fears and find a way to move forward. By exploring the symbolism of blindness, you can gain a better understanding of the challenges you face in your life and find new ways to overcome them.


In conclusion, blindness is a complex symbol with a wide range of meanings. It can represent ignorance and spiritual darkness, or it can represent wisdom and purity. It all depends on the context in which it is used. Whether you are facing a literal or figurative obstacle in your life, the symbolism of blindness can offer insight into the challenges you face and the potential solutions. By exploring the different meanings of blindness, you can gain a better understanding of your own situation and find new ways to overcome the challenges you face.

Kristen Stanton

Hi, I am Kristen I have a (BS) (BA) in Psychology, and i understand symbolism and the meanings of all objects. I have always been interested in the hidden meanings behind things, and how to use them to create a better world. As a child, I loved spending time in nature, discovering all the secrets the trees, plants, and objects had to offer. Now an adult, I continues to be fascinated by symbolism and its power to change lives. I am committed to using my knowledge for good, and hopes to help people connect with their own inner power through symbolism.

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