9 Button Symbolism & Meanings (Protection+Order)

A button symbolizes protection, closure, stability, order, and neatness.

It is a fastener that is easily undone, which makes it a symbol of change. Buttons can also be a sign of power and authority. In some cultures, buttons are seen as lucky charms.

A button can also symbolize a key. It is often used as a logo for security companies and products. In the military, a button indicates rank and authority. Buttons are also worn as a sign of mourning.

Button Symbolism

Quick Overview: Button Symbolism

  • Protection
  • Closure
  • Stability
  • Order
  • Neatness
  • Harmony
  • Conformity
  • Collectiveness
  • Uniformity

9 Button Symbolisms

1. Protection

Button Symbolism

In many cultures, a button is seen as a symbol of protection.

It is believed that buttons can ward off evil spirits and keep the wearer safe from harm. In some traditions, a newborn baby is given a button to wear as a way of offering protection from the dangers of the world.

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Likewise, soldiers going into battle will often sew buttons onto their uniforms for good luck. Whether you see them as practical fasteners or lucky charms, there’s no denying that buttons have a long and rich history.

2. Closure

Button Symbolism

One of the most common symbols of closure is the button.

Buttons are often used to mark the end of a garment, such as a shirt or a jacket. They can also be used to secure a piece of fabric, such as a pocket or cuff. In addition, buttons are often used to fasten two pieces of fabric together, such as the front panels of a dress.

The symbolism of buttons is evident in many idiomatic expressions, such as “buttoning up” or “tie up loose ends.” In literature, the button can also be used as a metaphor for virginity or innocence.

In the popular novel The Catcher in the Rye, for example, the protagonist Holden Caulfield is obsessed with protecting the innocence of children. He describes his ideal job as standing at the edge of a cliff and catching children before they fall off and are damaged by the world. In this metaphor, the button represents virginity or innocence that must be protected.

3. Stability

Button Symbolism

In many cultures, the button is seen as a symbol of stability.

This is because buttons are often used to secure items of clothing, such as coats and shirts. The button represents the ability to keep things in place and prevent them from falling apart.

In addition, the button is often seen as a symbol of order and precision. This is because buttons must be lined up in a specific way in order to work properly.

As a result, the button represents the importance of following rules and staying within the bounds of tradition. For these reasons, the button is often seen as a symbol of stability.

4. Order

Button Symbolism

A button symbolizes order because it is an object that is used to fasten two pieces of fabric together.

In the context of clothing, buttons are used to close gaps and create a more streamlined appearance. This is why buttoning up one’s shirt is often seen as a sign of respectability and professionalism.

The act of buttoning also requires a certain level of care and precision, which further reinforces the idea that buttons represent orderliness. In many cultures, buttons are also seen as a symbol of luck, which may be due to their cylindrical shape.

It is believed that this shape represents the coin, which is a symbol of prosperity. Regardless of the specific meaning attached to buttons, it is clear that they have long been associated with concepts like order, respectability, and luck.

5. Neatness

Button Symbolism

A button symbolizes neatness for a number of reasons.

First, buttons are small and compact, which helps to create a streamlined look. Second, buttons are typically arranged in a symmetrical manner, which conveys a sense of orderliness.

Third, buttons are often used to close up items of clothing, giving them a tidy appearance. Finally, buttons add a touch of decoration to an outfit, making it look more polished.

Taken together, these factors explain why a button is such an effective symbol of neatness.

6. Harmony

Button Symbolism

In many cultures, the button is seen as a symbol of harmony.

This is because the button is round, and it brings people together. The hole in the center of the button also symbolizes unity, as it is a space that is shared by all.

In some cultures, the button is also seen as a symbol of protection. This is because it can be used to fasten clothing, and it can help to keep people warm.

In many ways, the button is a perfect symbol of harmony, as it represents both unity and protection.

7. Conformity

Button Symbolism

In many societies, buttons represent conformity.

This is because people who conform to societal norms and expectations are often seen as being well-adjusted and successful. Meanwhile, those who do not conform are often seen as being out of step with the rest of society.

As a result, buttons have come to symbolize the need to conform in order to be accepted by others. In some cases, this need for conformity can lead to people suppressing their true desires and emotions in order to fit in.

While conformity can have its benefits, it is important for people to be true to themselves and resist the pressure to conform if it does not feel right. otherwise, they may end up living a life that is not authentic or fulfilling.

8. Collectiveness

Button Symbolism

A button symbolizes collectiveness for a couple of reasons.

First, a button is an article of clothing that is worn by people of all ages, sexes, and cultures. It is a way for people to show their individuality, while at the same time being part of a group.

Second, a button is an object that can be used to join two pieces of fabric together. This represents the way that people can come together and form a bond, despite their differences. Lastly, a button is often used as a metaphor for unity and strength.

This is because a button holds things together and keeps them from falling apart. In the same way, collectiveness helps to keep people united and strong.

9. Uniformity

Button Symbolism

Buttons are often seen as a symbol of uniformity, due to the fact that they are typically used to close up gaps in clothing and create a more polished look.

In many cases, buttons are also used to indicate rank or status within a group or organization. For example, military personnel often sport different buttons on their uniforms to show their position within the hierarchy.

In essence, buttons are seen as a way to create order and strict adherence to rules and regulations.

Spiritual Meaning of a Button

Button Symbolism

A button can symbolize a variety of things, depending on its color, shape, and location. For example, a round white button may represent purity, while a black button may represent power or darkness.

A button may also be seen as a miniature sun or moon, which can represent the cycle of life. In some cultures, a button is also seen as a representation of the eye, which is said to protect against evil spirits.

Buttons are often used in rituals and spells for good luck or protection. In some cultures, it is also believed that if you find a lost button, it will bring you good luck.

Whether you see a button as a simple fastener or as a symbol of something more spiritual, there is no doubt that it has a long and intriguing history.

Button Dream Meaning and Symbolism

Button Symbolism

According to dream experts, the meaning of a button in a dream can vary depending on the context. For example, if you find a button in your dream, it could symbolize that something is missing in your life.

Alternatively, it could represent repressed anger or frustration. If you lose a button in your dream, it might mean that you are feeling out of control or that you are worried about making a mistake.

Alternatively, it could suggest that you are insecure about something in your waking life. Ultimately, the meaning of a button in a dream will depend on your own personal experiences and feelings.


The button is a complex symbol that can represent a variety of things, depending on its color, shape, and location. To some, it may simply be a fastener or a way to create uniformity. But to others, it may represent something more spiritual, such as the cycle of life or protection against evil spirits.

Kristen Stanton

Hi, I am Kristen I have a (BS) (BA) in Psychology, and i understand symbolism and the meanings of all objects. I have always been interested in the hidden meanings behind things, and how to use them to create a better world. As a child, I loved spending time in nature, discovering all the secrets the trees, plants, and objects had to offer. Now an adult, I continues to be fascinated by symbolism and its power to change lives. I am committed to using my knowledge for good, and hopes to help people connect with their own inner power through symbolism.

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