Copper Symbolism & Meaning (Healing+Luck)

Copper is a powerful symbol of healing, wealth, strength, wisdom, and protection.

Copper also has a rich history and symbolism associated with it. In many cultures, copper is seen as a lucky metal that can help to attract good luck and prosperity.

Additionally, copper is often used in healing rituals and ceremonies as it is believed to have powerful cleansing and purifying properties. Some also believe that wearing copper can help to balance the body’s energy levels and protect against negative influences.

Copper Symbolism

Quick Overview: Copper Symbolism

  • Healing
  • Wealth
  • Energy
  • Fertility
  • Luck
  • Prosperity
  • Protection
  • Strength
  • Wisdom

9 Copper Symbolisms

1. Healing

Copper Symbolism

Copper is a metal with a long history of being used for healing.

One of the first recorded instances of copper being used for its medicinal properties dates back to Ancient Egypt, where it was used to treat infections and wounds.

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In more recent times, copper has been shown to have antimicrobial properties, making it effective against a wide range of bacteria and parasites.

Copper is also thought to promote the production of collagen and elastin, two proteins that are essential for healthy skin. Additionally, copper is an important trace element that plays a role in many metabolic processes. For all these reasons, copper has been traditionally associated with healing.

2. Wealth

Copper Symbolism

In many cultures, copper is seen as a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

This is due to its rarity and the difficulty of extracting it from ore. Copper is also durable and has a wide range of uses, which made it a valuable commodity in the ancient world.

In some cultures, copper is also associated with fertility and good luck. This may be because of its reddish color, which is often associated with vitality and life.

Whatever the reason, copper has long been seen as a symbol of wealth and prosperity, and it continues to hold this meaning in many cultures today.

3. Energy

Copper Symbolism

One of the reasons copper is used to symbolizing energy is because it’s such an excellent conductor of electricity.

It’s also resistant to corrosion, so it can be used in a variety of settings without fear of deterioration. Copper is found in nature in a relatively pure state, so it doesn’t require a lot of processing before it can be put to use.

Its reddish color is also associated with heat, another reason why it’s seen as a symbol of energy. In many cultures, copper is also linked to luck and prosperity, making it a popular choice for talismans and amulets.

4. Fertility

Copper Symbolism

In many cultures, copper is seen as a symbol of fertility.

This is because copper is essential for the proper development of the fetus and for a healthy pregnancy. Copper helps to form the connective tissue that holds together the cells of the body, and it is also necessary for the proper development of the blood vessels and nervous system.

Additionally, copper is needed for the regulation of iron in the blood, which is essential for carrying oxygen to the cells.

Without adequate levels of copper, pregnant women are at risk for developing anemia, which can lead to serious health problems for both mother and child.

For these reasons, copper has long been associated with fertility and childbirth, and it continues to be seen as a symbol of these things in many cultures around the world.

5. Luck

Copper Symbolism

Copper has been used for centuries as a symbol of luck and good fortune.

In many cultures, it is believed that copper can help to attract positive energy and ward off negative influences. In addition, copper is often associated with wealth and prosperity.

Its warm color is thought to represent the sunshine that is necessary for a healthy crop, while its shining surface is said to reflect the light of the moon, which is said to be beneficial for fertility. Copper is also a highly versatile metal, able to be used in a variety of ways.

This makes it an ideal choice for people who are looking for a talisman that can be adapted to their needs.

6. Prosperity

Copper Symbolism

Copper is a popular material for prosperity talismans and charms as it is believed to attract money.

This may be because copper is often used in electrical wiring and circuitry, so it is associated with the flow of energy and thus the flow of money.

In addition, copper is a reddish color, which is associated with good luck in many cultures. Red is often seen as a lucky color because it represents the color of fire, which can bring warmth, light, and life.

Therefore, by wearing or carrying a copper charm, you may be able to tap into that luck and bring more Prosperity into your life.

7. Protection

Copper Symbolism

Copper has been used for centuries as a material for coins, jewelry, and other decorative objects. In many cultures, it is also seen as a symbol of protection.

One reason for this is that copper is believed to have spiritual properties. It is often used in shamanic practices and rituals, as it is thought to help promote healing and balance.

Copper is also associated with the element of water, which is seen as a source of life and fertility. In some cultures, copper is even thought to have magical powers.

For example, in Tibetan Buddhism, copper is used to making ceremonial bells, which are believed to purify the environment and protect against negative energy.

8. Strength

Copper Symbolism

Copper is often seen as a symbol of strength.

This is likely because it is one of the few metals that is not brittle, meaning that it can be bent and shaped without breaking. Copper is also quite malleable, meaning that it can be hammered into thin sheets.

In addition, copper is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat. These properties make it an essential metal for many industries, from electrical wiring to plumbing.

Given its many uses, it is no wonder that copper has come to be seen as a symbol of strength.

9. Wisdom

Copper Symbolism

Copper is often used to symbolize wisdom.

This is because copper is a metal that has been used by humans for centuries, and its durability and usefulness have been proven time and again.

Copper is also a warm color, which can represent the warmth of wisdom and knowledge. Additionally, copper is malleable, meaning it can be shaped and molded into different forms. This represents the way wisdom can be applied to different situations.

And finally, copper is a good conductor of electricity, representing the way wisdom can help us to connect with others and understand their perspectives.

Spiritual Meaning of Copper

Copper Symbolism

In many cultures, copper is seen as a sacred metal with spiritual significance. Its reddish color is associated with the energy of the sun, and its ability to conduct electricity is seen as a reminder of the power of the human soul.

Copper is also believed to promote healing and balance within the body. For these reasons, copper has been used in ceremonies and rituals since ancient times. In some traditions, copper is used to cleansing the aura and align the chakras.

It is also believed to help protect against negative energies and to encourage spiritual growth. Whether you are looking for protection, healing, or simply a way to connect with the earth, wearing copper jewelry can be a powerful way to access its spiritual meaning.

Copper Dream Meaning and Symbolism

Copper Symbolism

Because copper is associated with both wealth and good health, it is often seen as a positive symbol in dreams.

For example, dream A might interpret a copper coin as a sign of good fortune, while dreamer B might interpret it as a sign of physical strength and vitality.

In general, however, copper usually signifies something positive. So if you find yourself dreaming about this metal, it’s a good bet that something good is on the horizon.


Copper is a metal with a long history of use and meaning. Its reddish color is associated with the energy of the sun, and its ability to conduct electricity is seen as a reminder of the power of the human soul. Copper is also believed to promote healing and balance within the body. For these reasons, copper has been used in ceremonies and rituals since ancient times.

Kristen Stanton

Hi, I am Kristen I have a (BS) (BA) in Psychology, and i understand symbolism and the meanings of all objects. I have always been interested in the hidden meanings behind things, and how to use them to create a better world. As a child, I loved spending time in nature, discovering all the secrets the trees, plants, and objects had to offer. Now an adult, I continues to be fascinated by symbolism and its power to change lives. I am committed to using my knowledge for good, and hopes to help people connect with their own inner power through symbolism.

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