Labyrinth Symbolism & Meaning (Wholeness)

A labyrinth can symbolize the journey of life, the spiritual journey, or the soul’s journey toward completion. It can also be a symbol of awareness or individuation.

The word “labyrinth” comes from the Greek word labrys, which means “double-bladed axe.” The labyrinth was a symbol of the double-sided nature of life.

It represented the duality of good and evil, light and dark, and birth and death. The labyrinth was also a symbol of the journey of life, with its many twists and turns.

Labyrinth Symbolism

Quick Overview: Labyrinth Symbolism

  • Wholeness
  • Journey Inward
  • Reflection
  • New Beginnings
  • Decision Making
  • Initiation
  • Personal Growth
  • Individuation
  • Awareness

9 Labyrinth Symbolisms

1. Wholeness

Labyrinth Symbolism

A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that has been used for centuries to represent wholeness.

The word “labyrinth” comes from the Greek labrys, meaning “double-bladed axe.” This tool was used in ancient Crete as a symbol of power and strength. The labyrinth itself is composed of a series of concentric circles that lead to the center.

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This spiral design is often found in nature, and it symbolizes the journey of life. The labyrinth can be seen as a map of our own journey through life, with each turn representing a different stage.

Just as the labyrinth is a never-ending circle, so too is life itself. The labyrinth is a reminder that we are all connected and that we are all part of the same whole.

2. Journey Inward

Labyrinth Symbolism

A labyrinth is a symbol that has been used to symbolize the journey inward.

The spiral shape of the labyrinth mirrors the journey of the soul as it winds its way through the twists and turns of life. The path into the center of the labyrinth is often said to represent the journey to our deepest self, where we can find guidance and wisdom.

For many, a labyrinth is a powerful tool for meditation and self-reflection. Walking the labyrinth can help us to slow down and connect with our own inner wisdom. It can also be a helpful way to release fears and doubts and to find clarity and peace of mind.

In our fast-paced world, the labyrinth can be a powerful reminder to slow down and connect with our own inner voice.

3. Reflection

Labyrinth Symbolism

The labyrinth can also be seen as a symbol of reflection.

The journey into the center of the labyrinth can represent our journey of self-discovery. As we walk the path, we may find ourselves reflecting on our own life experiences and what they have taught us.

We may also find ourselves looking inward, at our own values and beliefs. The labyrinth can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and self-discovery.

It can help us to understand our own journey, and to find guidance and strength within ourselves.

4. New Beginnings

Labyrinth Symbolism

A labyrinth is a symbol of new beginnings because it is a journey that leads you to the center, and then back out again.

It is a metaphor for the journey of life, with all its twists and turns. When you walk a labyrinth, you let go of your ego and your outside world worries, and you surrender to the process.

This act of letting go can be very freeing, and it can help you to see things in a new light. It is a reminder that there is always hope, and that new beginnings are always possible.

The labyrinth is a symbol of hope, change, and new beginnings.

5. Decision Making

Labyrinth Symbolism

The labyrinth can also be seen as a symbol of decision-making.

The path of the labyrinth is often said to represent the choices we make in life. Each turn represents a fork in the road, and each choice we make leads us closer to or further away from our goal.

The labyrinth can be a helpful tool for making difficult decisions. It can help us to slow down, reflect on our options, and to make choices that are in alignment with our deepest values and desires.

6. Initiation

Labyrinth Symbolism

The labyrinth can also be seen as a symbol of initiation.

The journey into the center of the labyrinth can represent our journey into adulthood. Just as the labyrinth has a beginning and an end, so too does life.

Walking the labyrinth can be a way of marking this transition, and it can be a powerful ritual for those who are embarking on a new phase of life. The labyrinth can also be seen as a symbol of death and rebirth.

Just as the labyrinth leads us to the center and then back out again, so too does life lead us through death and into new life. Walking the labyrinth can be a way of grieving our losses and celebrating our new beginnings.

7. Personal Growth

Labyrinth Symbolism

For many people, the labyrinth is seen as a symbol of personal growth.

The winding path can represent the journey of life, full of twists and turns. As we walk the labyrinth, we can reflect on our own journey and let go of any concerns or worries that are weighing us down.

The center of the labyrinth can represent our goal or destination, and the act of reaching it can be seen as a metaphor for achieving our personal dreams.

Whether we see it as a physical or spiritual journey, the labyrinth can be an important tool for helping us to find our way.

8. Individuation

Labyrinth Symbolism

The labyrinth can also be seen as a symbol of individuation.

In Jungian psychology, individuation is the process of becoming our true selves. It is a journey of self-discovery, in which we learn to embrace our shadows and our light.

The labyrinth can be seen as a metaphor for this journey. Just as the labyrinth has a center, so too do we have a center. And just as the labyrinth has a path that leads us to the center, so too does our life have a path that leads us to our true selves.

The labyrinth can be a powerful tool for individuation, helping us to find our way along the path of life.

9. Awareness

Labyrinth Symbolism

A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that has been used for centuries to represent awareness.

The word “labyrinth” comes from the Greek word “labrys,” which means “double-headed axe.” This symbol was originally used in Crete to represent the Labyrinth of Knossos, a complex maze that was said to house the Minotaur.

The labyrinth has also been associated with the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, in which the hero must navigate a complex maze in order to slay the creature that lives within it.

Spiritual Meaning of Labyrinth

Labyrinth Symbolism

A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that has been used for centuries to represent the journey of life. The labyrinth is a single path that winds its way through a complex series of twists and turns, ultimately leading to the center of the maze.

Along the way, there are many dead ends and false starts, but the path always leads to the center. For many people, the labyrinth is seen as a metaphor for the spiritual journey. Just as the labyrinth has a single path that leads to the center, so too does the spiritual journey have a specific path that leads to enlightenment.

The labyrinth can also be seen as a symbol of the soul’s journey toward wholeness. The winding path through the maze represents the winding path of life, with its ups and downs, its twists and turns.

Just as the labyrinth eventually leads to the center, so too does the soul’s journey eventually lead to completion. The labyrinth is an ancient symbol with a deep spiritual meaning. It represents both the journey of life and the soul’s journey toward wholeness.

Labyrinth Dream Meaning and Symbolism

Labyrinth Symbolism

Dreams about labyrinths can be interpreted in a number of ways. Depending on the context of the dream, they can represent confusion and frustration, or a need to find your way in life.

They can also suggest that you are feeling trapped or hemmed in by circumstance. Labyrinths can also symbolize the journey of self-discovery, or the need to confront your fears and uncover hidden truths.

As with all dreams, however, it is best to consult a professional dream interpreter for a more personalized analysis.


The labyrinth is an ancient symbol with a deep and complex meaning. It can represent the journey of life, the spiritual journey, or the soul’s journey toward wholeness. It can also symbolize awareness, confusion, or the need to find your way in life. No matter what interpretation you choose, the labyrinth is a powerful symbol that can help you to find your way in life.

Kristen Stanton

Hi, I am Kristen I have a (BS) (BA) in Psychology, and i understand symbolism and the meanings of all objects. I have always been interested in the hidden meanings behind things, and how to use them to create a better world. As a child, I loved spending time in nature, discovering all the secrets the trees, plants, and objects had to offer. Now an adult, I continues to be fascinated by symbolism and its power to change lives. I am committed to using my knowledge for good, and hopes to help people connect with their own inner power through symbolism.

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