Umbrella Symbolism & Meaning (Shelter+Luck)

The umbrella is often seen as a symbol of abundance, shelter, and protection. In many cultures, the umbrella is seen as a symbol of royalty and status.

The umbrella is also a popular motif in Buddhist art, where it is often depicted as a parasol. In Buddhism, the parasol is seen as a symbol of the Buddha’s wisdom and compassion.

The umbrella is also a common symbol in Hinduism, where it represents the goddess Lakshmi. In many cultures, the umbrella is considered to be a lucky charm that can bring good fortune and abundance.

Umbrella Symbolism

Quick Overview: Umbrella Symbolism

  • Shelter
  • Protection
  • Guidance
  • New beginnings
  • A fresh start
  • Blessings
  • Good fortune
  • Luck
  • Abundance

9 Umbrella Symbolisms

1. Shelter

Umbrella Symbolism

An umbrella is more than just a tool for keeping the rain off your head. For many people, it is also a symbol of shelter.

The origins of this symbolism can be traced back to ancient Greece, where umbrellas were used as symbols of power and status. In later years, umbrellas came to be associated with royalty and wealth, as they were often made from expensive materials like silk and velvet.

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Today, the umbrella is still seen as a symbol of luxury and opulence. However, it has also taken on a more practical meaning, serving as a metaphor for the shelter and security that we all seek in our lives.

Whether we are facing bad weather or a tough situation, an umbrella reminds us that we have the power to stay dry and safe.

2. Protection

Umbrella Symbolism

The umbrella has long been a symbol of protection.

In ancient times, umbrellas were used as a status symbol, indicating wealth and power. The Chinese emperor was the only one allowed to carry an umbrella, and it was punishable by death for anyone else to do so. In more recent history, the umbrella has been associated with royalty and luxury.

However, the umbrella also has a more practical side. It is a simple tool that can be used to shield oneself from the sun, rain, or snow.

In this way, it represents our ability to withstand the elements and emerge unscathed. Whether we use it to keep ourselves dry or to stay out of the sun, the umbrella is a powerful symbol of our resilience in the face of adversity.

3. Guidance

Umbrella Symbolism

The umbrella can also be seen as a symbol of guidance.

In ancient cultures, umbrellas were often used as ceremonial objects, and they were believed to provide protection from the sun and rain. The umbrella was also seen as a symbol of royalty and power, and it was often used in religious ceremonies.

In many ways, the umbrella is still seen as a symbol of protection and guidance. When we see someone carrying an umbrella, we often think of them as someone who is responsible and reliable.

We see them as someone who we can trust to keep us safe from the storm. In times of trouble, we may seek out someone who carries an umbrella as a source of guidance and support.

Ultimately, the umbrella is a powerful symbol that can evoke feelings of safety, comfort, and warmth.

4. New beginnings

Umbrella Symbolism

There are many symbols that represent new beginnings, but the umbrella is one of the most universally recognized.

The umbrella is often associated with rain, which is traditionally seen as a symbol of new life and fertility. In many cultures, rain is considered a blessing from the gods, and an umbrella can be seen as a way of protecting oneself from their wrath.

In China, umbrellas are sometimes used in religious ceremonies to ward off evil spirits. In Japan, umbrellas are symbols of good luck and are often given as gifts to newlyweds or births. In Western culture, umbrellas are often seen as a symbol of hope.

Its association with rain means that it can represent the hope of better days ahead, even in the midst of a storm. No matter what culture you come from, the umbrella is a powerful symbol of new beginnings.

5. A fresh start

Umbrella Symbolism

For many people, an umbrella is nothing more than a handy tool for keeping dry on a rainy day. However, the umbrella has also come to symbolize a fresh start.

This symbolism is rooted in the fact that umbrellas are often associated with travel. When we go on a trip, we pack our bags and leave our old routine behind.

An umbrella can serve as a reminder of this process of saying goodbye to the past and embarking on a new adventure. In addition, the act of opening an umbrella is often seen as an optimistic gesture. After all, when we open an umbrella, we are proclaiming that the sun will come out eventually.

In turbulent times, this message of hope can be particularly valuable. As a result, it is no wonder that the umbrella has come to symbolize a fresh start.

6. Blessings

Umbrella Symbolism

In many cultures, the umbrella is seen as a symbol of good luck and fortune.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the sun god Ra sheltered beneath an umbrella, and this image was often used to represent royalty and power.

In China, the umbrella is associated with Confucius, who was said to have carried one in order to deflect the sun’s rays. For many people, the umbrella has come to be seen as a symbol of protection and blessings.

In some traditions, it is considered good luck to open an umbrella indoors. It is also considered lucky to give someone an umbrella as a gift, as it is thought to represent the hope that they will be shielded from harm.

Whether you see it as a source of shade or a symbol of good fortune, there’s no denying that the umbrella has come to be seen as a powerful icon.

7. Good fortune

Umbrella Symbolism

In many cultures around the world, the umbrella is seen as a symbol of good fortune.

This is because the umbrella provides protection from the elements, shelter from the sun, and respite from the rain.

The umbrella is also a symbol of hope and new beginnings, as it represents the moment when the clouds clear and the sun begins to shine. For these reasons, the umbrella has come to represent all that is positive and optimistic in life.

When someone is given an umbrella, it is seen as a gesture of goodwill and a wish for a bright future.

8. Luck

Umbrella Symbolism

The umbrella is a popular symbol of good luck in many cultures.

One theory is that the umbrella’s ability to protect against bad weather makes it a natural talisman against misfortune. The umbrella is also often associated with ladybugs, another traditional symbol of good luck.

In China, the umbrella is sometimes known as the “bug sin,” or “bug god,” due to this connection. The association between umbrellas and luck may also be due to the fact that umbrellas were once a rarity and seen as luxurious items.

Therefore, owning an umbrella was a sign of wealth and status. In some cultures, the umbrella is also seen as a feminine symbol, associated with fertility and new life.

For all these reasons, the umbrella has come to be seen as an auspicious symbol of good luck in many cultures around the world.

9. Abundance

Umbrella Symbolism

The umbrella has long been a symbol of abundance, shelter, and protection.

In many cultures, the umbrella is seen as a symbol of royalty and status. In China, for example, the umbrella was once only used by members of the imperial court.

The umbrella is also a popular motif in Buddhist art, where it is often depicted as a parasol (a type of umbrella that is held over the head to shade the face from the sun). In Buddhism, the parasol is seen as a symbol of the Buddha’s wisdom and compassion, which shelter and protect all beings from suffering.

The umbrella is also a common symbol in Hinduism, where it represents the goddess Lakshmi (the goddess of wealth and prosperity). In many cultures, the umbrella is considered to be a lucky charm that can bring good fortune and abundance.

It is not surprising, then, that the umbrella has come to symbolize these things in many different traditions.

Spiritual Meaning of Umbrella

Umbrella Symbolism

Umbrellas also have a long history of being used as symbols of protection and good luck.

In China, for example, umbrellas were once used as a symbol of royal power, and they were often seen in paintings of emperors and impresses.

In Japan, umbrellas are often used in religious ceremonies, and they are also given as gifts to people who are experiencing difficulty in their lives.

The umbrella is also a common motif in Christian art, where it is often associated with the Virgin Mary. As a result, umbrellas can have a deep spiritual meaning for many people around the world.

Umbrella Dream Meaning and Symbolism

Umbrella Symbolism

Dreams about umbrellas can symbolize protection, comfort, and security.

They may represent something that is shielding you from emotional or physical harm. Alternatively, this dream may be a sign that you are feeling overwhelmed or burdened by something in your life.

The umbrella may also be a metaphor for an emotional crutch or support system that you rely on too much. Perhaps you need to learn to stand on your own two feet.

Alternatively, this dream symbol could represent repressed anger or rage. The umbrella could be a visual representation of the pressure you feel building up inside.


The umbrella is a culturally significant object that has a variety of meanings attached to it. For some, an umbrella is simply a practical tool for staying dry on a rainy day. However, the umbrella also has a long history of being used as a symbol of protection and good luck.

Kristen Stanton

Hi, I am Kristen I have a (BS) (BA) in Psychology, and i understand symbolism and the meanings of all objects. I have always been interested in the hidden meanings behind things, and how to use them to create a better world. As a child, I loved spending time in nature, discovering all the secrets the trees, plants, and objects had to offer. Now an adult, I continues to be fascinated by symbolism and its power to change lives. I am committed to using my knowledge for good, and hopes to help people connect with their own inner power through symbolism.

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